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If you’re in immediate danger, call the Gardai on 999. If you’re experiencing domestic abuse, looking for refuge or are concerned you’re being monitored by someone you are afraid of, call Bray Women’s Refuge on +01 286 6163 Learn more about staying safe online and remember to clear your browsing history after visiting this website.

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If you’re in immediate danger, call the Gardai on 999. If you’re experiencing domestic abuse, looking for refuge or are concerned you’re being monitored by someone you are afraid of, call Bray Women’s Refuge on +01 286 6163 or learn more about staying safe online and remember to clear your browsing history after visiting this website.

You can quickly leave this website at any time by clicking the “Exit” button on the bottom left-hand corner.


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By accessing or using the site you acknowledge and agree to the terms of use and disclaimer set out below.

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You are free to copy, distribute or display this publication under the following conditions:

  • You must attribute the work to Bray Women’s Refuge HA and Anu Wicklow
  • You may not use this website for commercial purposes
  • You may not alter, transform, or build upon this website

Copyright in all materials and/or works comprising or contained within this website remains with Bray Women’s Refuge Housing Association Clg.

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You agree to respect the integrity of all materials incorporated in or accessible through the Site, including text, logos, photographs, images, graphics, illustrations, audio clips, video clips, software etc.

Any unauthorised copying, publication or reproduction of the content/logo of this website is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement of copyright. If you would like to find out whether you can be given permission to use our logo or editorial which appears on this site, please contact [email protected].

The material contained in this website is provided for general information purposes only. In developing the content of our website, every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up to date. Neither Bray Women’s Refuge HA nor Anu Wicklow gives any guarantees or warranties concerning the accuracy, completeness or up-to-date nature of the information provided on the website and does not accept any liability arising from any errors or omissions. Errors or omissions brought to the notice of Bray Women’ Refuge HA / Anu Wicklow and will be investigated and amendments or corrections made where appropriate.

Please note that the site sometimes links to external sites over which Bray Women’ Refuge HA / Anu Wicklow has no control and for which it accepts no responsibility.

Anu Wicklow

9am-5pm, Mon-Fri
086 059 7560

Bray Women's Refuge

24 hrs a day, 7 days a week
01 286 6163
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