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Non-Violent Resistance (NVR)

The NVR programme is designed for parents experiencing child to parent abuse.

The goal is to provide parents with the skills to use when experiencing child to parent abuse in their home. It is an evidence-supported, brief, structured, and respectful response to the problem of the child to parent abuse.

It aims to empower and support parents/carers in preventing and responding to children and teenagers controlling and violent behaviour.

Course Duration: 8-12 weeks; Groups or one to one.


(Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions)

The SPACE Program is a theory-driven intervention informed by research into parental entanglement in childhood anxiety symptoms, minimise SPACE teaches parents to recognise their accommodating behaviours and implement specific plans to reduce the accommodation while maintaining an empathetic and supportive attitude towards the child.

Course Duration: 8-12 weeks; Groups or one to one.

Anu Wicklow Helpline

+353 86 059 7560

Bray Women's Refuge

+353 1 286 6163
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