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If you’re in immediate danger, call the Gardai on 999. If you’re experiencing domestic abuse, looking for refuge or are concerned you’re being monitored by someone you are afraid of, call Bray Women’s Refuge on +01 286 6163 Learn more about staying safe online and remember to clear your browsing history after visiting this website.

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If you’re in immediate danger, call the Gardai on 999. If you’re experiencing domestic abuse, looking for refuge or are concerned you’re being monitored by someone you are afraid of, call Bray Women’s Refuge on +01 286 6163 or learn more about staying safe online and remember to clear your browsing history after visiting this website.

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Youth Outreach

Reaching out to children and young people

At Anu Wicklow, we provide one-to-one support for children and young people and psycho-educational workshops about domestic abuse for schools and youth groups.

Individual Support

If you know a child or young person who you think might benefit from our support, please get in contact.

Our Youth Outreach Support Worker is available to give one-to-one support to children and young people (ages 12 to 24) who are experiencing, recovering from or at risk from domestic abuse. It may also be possible to meet the child at their school or youth group.

To make a referral, call 086 059 7560 or email [email protected]


We facilitate psycho-educational workshops about domestic abuse at secondary schools and youth groups in County Wicklow. Our target group is ages 12-24.

We passionately believe that educating and informing young people about the signs of an abusive relationship will help reduce the number of people experiencing domestic abuse. Research has shown that preventative education can change young people’s attitudes and enhance their resilience.

Our workshops aim to:

Promote healthy relationships through education.
Prevent dating abuse by changing attitudes and providing advice and support.
Build resilience to better equip young people when dealing domestic abuse, amongst peers, at home and in society.
Explore digital abuse including intimate image abuse, sexting and the impact of technology facillitated abuse.

Contact us to discuss a possible workshop or series of workshops tailored to your group’s particular age group and needs. Call Anu Wicklow on 086 059 7560 or email [email protected]

Anu Wicklow

9am-5pm, Mon-Fri
086 059 7560

Bray Women's Refuge

24 hrs a day, 7 days a week
01 286 6163
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