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If you’re in immediate danger, call the Gardai on 999. If you’re experiencing domestic abuse, looking for refuge or are concerned you’re being monitored by someone you are afraid of, call Bray Women’s Refuge on +01 286 6163 Learn more about staying safe online and remember to clear your browsing history after visiting this website.

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If you’re in immediate danger, call the Gardai on 999. If you’re experiencing domestic abuse, looking for refuge or are concerned you’re being monitored by someone you are afraid of, call Bray Women’s Refuge on +01 286 6163 or learn more about staying safe online and remember to clear your browsing history after visiting this website.

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Physical Abuse

Your abuser inflicts or causes you intentional physical harm or injury. It's not just a black eye that counts...

Physical abuse includes:

  • Punching or slapping you.
  • Punching the wall or breaking windows or objects to frighten you.
  • Keeping weapons like guns or knives in view, or nearby, for example, under the pillow. Using, or threatening to use them against you.
  • Using household items as weapons, such as throwing a phone or plate at you.
  • Biting you.
  • Pinching you.
  • Kicking you.
  • Pushing or shoving you.
  • Burning you.
  • Strangling or choking you

There are also many kinds of physical abuse that are less easy to see:

  • Witholding your medication, or giving you drugs without your consent.
  • Locking you in or out somewhere (into a car for example, or out of the house), or leaving you somewhere unsafe.
  • Restraining you.
  • Blocking your way.
  • Pulling your hair.
  • Spitting on you.

Anu Wicklow

9am-5pm, Mon-Fri
086 059 7560

Bray Women's Refuge

24 hrs a day, 7 days a week
01 286 6163
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