Physical abuse includes:
- Punching or slapping you.
- Punching the wall or breaking windows or objects to frighten you.
- Keeping weapons like guns or knives in view, or nearby, for example, under the pillow. Using, or threatening to use them against you.
- Using household items as weapons, such as throwing a phone or plate at you.
- Biting you.
- Pinching you.
- Kicking you.
- Pushing or shoving you.
- Burning you.
- Strangling or choking you
There are also many kinds of physical abuse that are less easy to see:
- Witholding your medication, or giving you drugs without your consent.
- Locking you in or out somewhere (into a car for example, or out of the house), or leaving you somewhere unsafe.
- Restraining you.
- Blocking your way.
- Pulling your hair.
- Spitting on you.