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If you’re in immediate danger, call the Gardai on 999. If you’re experiencing domestic abuse, looking for refuge or are concerned you’re being monitored by someone you are afraid of, call Bray Women’s Refuge on +01 286 6163 Learn more about staying safe online and remember to clear your browsing history after visiting this website.

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If you’re in immediate danger, call the Gardai on 999. If you’re experiencing domestic abuse, looking for refuge or are concerned you’re being monitored by someone you are afraid of, call Bray Women’s Refuge on +01 286 6163 or learn more about staying safe online and remember to clear your browsing history after visiting this website.

You can quickly leave this website at any time by clicking the “Exit” button on the bottom left-hand corner.


Why don't they leave?

If you are concerned that someone you know or a loved one may be in an unhealthy or abusive relationship, it can be challenging to understand why they might continue to stay and not leave the relationship.

We often hear from people who want to help, and we understand it can be frustrating to see someone you care about being mistreated. Even harder still is feeling helpless to intervene.

Leaving an abusive relationship is a complicated process. Leaving is often the most dangerous time for someone experiencing abuse, as leaving means they are trying to regain control and power back over their own lives.

Threats and intimidation are crucial elements in an unhealthy or abusive relationship
and are powerful ways to control you and make you feel powerless and afraid. This can include verbal abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse or social abuse, etc.

Controlling behaviour is a way for the perpetrator to maintain dominance over you. It is often subtle, almost always insidious, and pervasive. They will often try and monitor everything another does, offline and online, in order to restrict their access to support and help.

Only 29% of women who have experienced severe abuse have reported it to An Garda Síochána.

National Crime Council and ESRI, Domestic Abuse of Women and Men in Ireland, 2005

Anu Wicklow

9am-5pm, Mon-Fri
086 059 7560

Bray Women's Refuge

24 hrs a day, 7 days a week
01 286 6163
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