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I was fortunate to have linked in with BWR 10 years ago.

After 20 years of domestic violence, with the help and support of the BWR, I was finally strong enough to stand up and protect myself and my 6 children. Without BWR support and being right by my side through everything, I don’t think I would have been able to do this. I am no longer a victim of domestic violence but a survivor of domestic violence.

BWR showed me that I didn’t need to live the life that I was living and that one day I would find happiness. Well, BWR was not wrong! They really showed me that there was light at the end of the tunnel. I am now a Key Worker in the BWR and feel working here is my way of giving back to other women, what BWR have given to me and my family. I now use my experiences to change other women’s lives for the better

The staff at BWR are truly inspirational women. The positive impact they have made to many vulnerable lives and those in distress will, in my view, remain one of the greatest gifts you could give to mankind.

Denise, Key Worker at Bray Women’s Refuge and survivor of domestic abuse

Anu Wicklow Helpline

+353 86 059 7560

Bray Women's Refuge

+353 1 286 6163
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